
7 Tips for Running Your First Half-Marathon 

This week I am celebrating one year since running my very first half-marathon. I have mentioned in my post about running The Disney Princess Fairy Tale Challenge that my very first half-marathon was The Dark Side at Disney World.

Now Disney isn’t the cheapest place to get started if you have decided to pick up running races, but in my experience, it has been the most fun! I have seen hilarious memes on Facebook about the cost of Disney races. My favorite is “My wife’s 10k cost me 10k.” Of course, my Disney races have never cost 10k or anywhere close to that, but I have the benefit of living locally so my costs are only the cost of the race, costumes, and a hotel if I decide to stay on-property.

I didn’t really know what to expect with my first half-marathon. I had never run 13.1 miles at one time, could I even do it? Today I want to share 7 tips for running your first half-marathon.

First, there is the preparation. Do not run a half-marathon without proper training. I couldn’t believe all of the people I heard say that they hadn’t trained and they were just going to go for it! There are plenty of free guides online that you can utilize in preparation. I know for the Disney crowd, the favorite is Jeff Galloway’s Run-Walk-Run Method. Another favorite is Hal Higdon. There are plenty of others as well, even my Map My Run App has a training program. Without training, you are very likely to suffer an injury. So be sure to put in the time to train!

Secondly, nutrition and hydration are key. I personally drink coffee every day before my run, so even on big race days, I have a cup of coffee because it is part of my routine. However, I also make sure that I am well hydrated, which began days before race day. I also make sure that I have fueled my body with a nice meal the night before and a light breakfast the day of the race.

Another thing to remember when running your first half-marathon is to pace yourself. It is really easy to get caught up in the excitement of thousands of runners, the cheering crowd and the fact that race day is finally here, but remember, this is 13.1 miles and your goal is to finish.

I would love to add proper attire is critical, but if you have ever seen the Disney runners you know there are some insanely outlandish, even impractical running clothes. There is one piece of attire though that is crucial to your success… good running shoes. Be sure that not only you have a good pair of properly fitted running shoes, but that they also have been broken in. Do not let race day be your first time wearing them, you will end up in serious pain.

Speaking of pain, another tip for running your first half-marathon is not to ignore pain. Pain is not part of running a half-marathon. If you notice you have pain, stop and assess it. Pushing through the pain could result in a more extensive injury. Races will often have those lovely medic tents. If you are hurting, stop and take advantage of their services.

You shouldn’t be surprised to hear me say this, but be sure to have fun! I pushed myself really hard during my first half-marathon. I had fun, but I think I could’ve had more fun. I really wish I would’ve done more to soak in the scenery, the cheering from spectators, and stopped for more fun pictures. Remember you signed up for this to have a fun goal that would keep you motivated, so make sure your race stays fun.

Last but never least, celebrate your accomplishment! No matter your time, your place for your age or division, you should be proud that you just ran your first half-marathon! You gave it your best shot no matter how it ended and it is time to CELEBRATE!

RenĂ©e Porteous could be described as a wife, mother, and breast cancer survivor, but none of those titles could tell the complete story of who she is. Renee is a woman who wears many hats, spending her days helping her husband with his business, supporting transformational leaders, and volunteering her time to her children's school. 

Renee Porteous

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