
Disney Princess Fairy Tale Challenge 

If you have read my blog you may know about The One Hundred List I create each year. Two years ago while in treatment, I had put run a half marathon and run the Disney Princess half marathon on that list. I was a little late on the sign up for the Princess race so I went on to run my first half marathon at the next opportunity at Disney, which was Star Wars Darkside. I had an amazing time and was determined that I would do Disney Princess this year.

Well when it came time to sign up, not only did I sign up for the Disney Princess Half, but the 10k and 5k as well, making it a total of 22.4 miles I would be running in three days. I had not intended on doing the 5k but my eight-year-old daughter Eden wanted to run alongside her mom and I was thrilled to have that opportunity. I also don’t usually dress up in costume, but if I was doing this with my daughter we were going all out. So we themed princess outfits, hers being Aurora and mine, Snow White.

Just a few days before I was to head off to race at Disney, my Facebook live video of ringing the bell on the last day of chemo showed up on my Facebook memories. Wow! I was running the Disney Princess Challenge, 22.4 miles, two years after finishing the biggest challenge of my life. What a way to celebrate life!

I was really glad that I saw that memory before I left because it reminded me to be extra thankful and also not to take things too seriously. Yes, I can even take a Disney race too seriously.

I definitely achieved having fun over the Disney Princess Weekend. I stopped for every picture that I wanted, from Princes to Villans, I tried some fun silly poses along the way, including some jump pictures I have always been too afraid to try. I also went to Epcot alone while the kids were at a birthday party, to eat, drink and have character interactions, yep all by myself with Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Goofy.

Life is short and part of celebrating me first is not just self-care, but having fun. Something as adults we often forget to do.

Race you to the Castle

RenĂ©e Porteous could be described as a wife, mother, and breast cancer survivor, but none of those titles could tell the complete story of who she is. Renee is a woman who wears many hats, spending her days helping her husband with his business, supporting transformational leaders, and volunteering her time to her children's school. 

Renee Porteous

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